How do you cleaning glass

2021-10-13 09:49:08

1Carved glass: carved glass is processed by ice carving, sand carving, water cutting and other processes. This kind of art glass has the characteristics of uneven surface, so dust will accumulate on it after a long time. Such carved art glass can be wiped with soft cloth and clean water, but acidic cleaning agent cannot be used, Acid cleaning agents can cause damage to glass.

2Color crystal glass: the color crystal glass is attached to the glass surface with AB glue, so it is easy to fall off. Therefore, when cleaning, pay attention to grasp the appropriate strength, wipe it gently with a dry soft cloth, and pay attention not to use other substances that will dissolve the glue.

3Insulating glass: the insulating glass partition is made of two layers of glass. The appearance of the glass is different from that of ordinary tempered glass, so the same method as that of ordinary glass cleaning can be used. However, it should be noted that it is not allowed to touch the surface of the glass with hard things to avoid scratching the surface of the glass.

4Colored glass: colored glass is generally made of special glass paint, so it is not allowed to use cleaning agent containing chlorine, otherwise it is very easy to damage the color layer of glass. Of course, it is not suitable to brush with brush with high hardness such as steel ball, which will directly scrape off the color pain
